Выставка «Вдохнувший жизнь в окаменелости»

Александрова Анна Александровна

Государственный Дарвиновский музей, Москва

DOI: —

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Exhibition «He Breathed Life into Fossils»
Anna A. Alexandrova

State Darwin Museum, Moscow

DOI: —

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The exhibition “He Breathed Life into Fossils” opened in the State Darwin museum on April, 2013. It is dedicated to the 120 th anniversary of Yuri Alexandrovich Orlov (1893-1966) — a well-known Russian histologist, paleontologist, and academician in the USSR. Yuri Orlov began his way into science as a histologist and the atmosphere of his histological lab in the early 20 th century is recreated in the first showcase. Most of the exhibition is devoted to Orlov the paleontologist as far as his children’s interest in paleontology had turned into serious research work. Visitors can see the original materials that formed the basis of monographs and articles of Orlov as a paleontologist. Showcases as well as map-cases help us to imagine his activity as a scientific organizer and introduce us to his writings, including popular works. A separate section is devoted to his “fieldwork” since Y.A. Orlov organized and participated in many major paleontological expeditions. The exhibition is organized in cooperation with the Paleontological Museum named after Yuri Orlov.

Выставка «Братья по разуму?»

Александрова Анна Александровна

Государственный Дарвиновский музей, Москва

DOI: —

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Exhibition “Brothers in Mind?”
Anna A. Alexandrova

State Darwin Museum, Moscow

DOI: —

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The exhibition “Brothers in Mind?” opens at the State Darwin Museum in April, 2013. It is devoted to the experimental study of animal intelligence and is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of K.E. Fabri, one of the founders of animal psychology in Russia. The exhibition shows how multiple species including parrots and apes, crows and ants, dolphins and bees are able to count, grasp abstract concepts, solve logical tasks, and even master language elements. The chasm that separates Homo sapiens from all other animals is not so deep.

Подвижник музейного дела

Михайлов Кирилл Глебович

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11914

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Александр Федорович Котс (Эрих Александр Котс) (1880-1964) посвятил свою жизнь созданию и развитию знаменитого Дарвиновского музея в Москве.

An Enthusiast of Museum Affair
Mikhailov Kirill G.

Moscow State University

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11914

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Alexandr Fyodorovich Kots (Alexander Erich Kohts) (1880-1964) devoted his life to the creation and development of the famous Darwin Museum in Moscow. He was called «Professor-social activist, and his ideas came in time and largely satisfy the ideological needs of the Soviet authorities in the field of biological science, since Darwinism was always supported by Marxism-Leninism. After A. Kots had passed the Museum was about to be dissolved, they were going to give collections to schools; but the new director V.N. Ignatijeva managed to stop this insane project. In her autobiography she gave an overview of the period of 1960-1980, sad time in the history of Museum. The new Museum was built in the 1990s following the ideas of A.F. Kots.