Макаренко Виктор Павлович
Южный федеральный университет
DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11918
13—15 октября 2016 г. в Южном федеральном университете (ЮФУ) проходил Всероссийский форум философии и политических наук, посвящённый 110-летию со дня рождения Ханны Арендт. В его рамках состоялось очередное заседание постоянного теоретического семинара ЮФУ по проблемам русской мысли и политики, на котором было представлено второе издание книги В.Н. Сойфера «Сталин и мошенники в науке» (М.: Добросвет, 2016). Автор — известный советский и американский молекулярный биолог, биофизик, генетик, историк отечественной науки.
The History of Russian Biology on the Theoretical Seminar on the Problems of Russian Thought and Politics
Makarenko Viktor P.
Southern Federal University
DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11918
The article describes the results of the theoretical seminar of the Southern Federal University on the problems of Russian thought and politics. The seminar was held in October 2016 in the framework of the All-Russian Forum of Philosophy and Political Science devoted to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Hannah Arendt. The seminar was presented the second edition of the book by V.N. Soifer ”Stalin and Scammers in Science” (Moscow, 2016). V.P. Makarenko considers the books of V.N. Soifer a special case of an array of literature on the problem of the relationship between science and power in Russia / the USSR. In this literature a typical for Russia-USSR phenomenon of personification of power is reproduced. The author believes that the concept of scientific and technical counter-revolution, formulated by M.K. Petrov in the mid-1960s, allows more adequately describe the institutional causes of a negative attitude toward the science of whole generations. The tragic vicissitudes in the history of Soviet science are not merely the consequence of the evil will of the leaders of the USSR, but the result of the constellation of cognitive, socio-cultural, institutional, ideological and political factors.