Берегой Наталья Евгеньевна
Левит Георгий
Институт биологии Университета г. Кассель, Германия.
Хоссфельд Уве
Университет Фридриха Шиллера, Йена, Германия
Олссон Леннарт
Университет Фридриха Шиллера, Йена, Германия
DOI: —
Creationists Attack Secular Education in Russia
(Translated by Natalia E. Beregoy)
Georgy S. Levit
Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Jena; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany; National Research University ITMO St. Petersburg, Russia/em>
Uwe Hossfeld
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Lennart Olsson
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
DOI: —
The article discusses a court case in St. Petersburg, Russia, in which a school girl, Maria Schreiber, demanded that the ministry of education must allow an «alternative» to evolution to be taught in high school biology classes. It also considers some aspects of modern creationism in Russia and abroad. The American and Western European «scientifi c creationism» tradition have been translated into Russian. In Russia, representatives of both the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and of some Protestant churches advocate creationism, even though both confessions arrive at this position independently and remain faithful to their theological doctrines. The article also pays attention to the problem of publication of «alternative» textbooks for biology courses and the introduction of religious courses in state and private schools. In generals, it gives an overview of the modern Russian educational landscape, and makes a distinction between two types of creationism — «scientifi c» and «clerical», but it states that these two do not contradict each other and co-exist in Russia.