Русакова Елена А.
ФГБНУ «Центральный музей почвоведения имени В.В. Докучаева», Санкт-Петербург, Россия
DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2018-11962
В конце февраля в ЦМП им. В.В. Докучаева открылась выставка «110 лет с начала экспедиций Переселенческого управления». К 110-летию начала почвенно-ботанических экспедиций появилась возможность дополнить имеющуюся в Музее постоянную экспозицию, посвящённую изучению почв Азиатской России, новыми материалами, накопившимися в результате научной работы по изучению музейной коллекции и научного архива ФГБНУ «Центральный музей почвоведения имени В.В. Докучаева».
The Exhibition “110 Years Since the Beginning of the Expeditions of the Resettlement Department”
Elena A. Rusakova
Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “V.V. Dokuchaev Central Museum of Soil Science”
DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2018-11962
This review discusses the exhibition “110 Years Since the Beginning of the Expeditions of the Resettle-ment Department”. The concept of this exhibition is based on the idea to show the scale and effectiveness of soil studies, which were commissioned by the state through the Resettlement Department and played a significant role in the development of soil science. The thematic block of the exhibition consists of two show-windows and the soil maps placed on the stand. The presentation of the exhibition was timed to coincide with the beginning of the annual International Scientific Conference “XXI Dokuchaev Youth Readings”. The opening was attended by pupils, students, graduate students, young scientists from vari-ous regions of Russia and other countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Iran, Azerbaijan, Mongolia). Specialists and visitors of the museum had showed a genuine interest in the material presented at the exhibition. The exhibition promotes the popularization of knowledge about the contribution of Russian soil scientists to the study and development of Asian Russia.