Валентин Иванович Оноприенко
Институт исследований научно-технического потенциала и истории науки им. Г.М. Доброва НАН Украины, Киев, Украина
DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2018-11981
A.L. Shanyavsky’s University: a Variety of Educational Practices and Stimulation of the Development of Science
V.I. Onoprienko
Institute of research of scientific and technical potential and history of science of NAS of Ukraine named after G. M. Dobrov, Kiev, Ukraine
DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2018-11981
The author commends the book by Roman Fando, noting excellent design and illustrations, the use of many statistical and sociological materials, and very informative appendixes. Using a new documentary basis, the author provides a non-trivial analysis of non-state higher education in Russia, the emergence of the first public and private educational institutions, the notorious “women’s issue” in domestic higher education, the factor of philanthropy in the development of Russia’s intellectual potential. The reviewer briefly recounts the main points of the book and intersperses them with other well-known materials. He concludes that in the light of the current problems of the development of science and education in Russia, it is not realistic to restore the experience of Shanyavsky’s University, but it is necessary to analyze that experience, and this remarkable book by R.A. Fando contributes greatly to such analysis.