Vavilov, a soviet darwinist in Mexico

Villamar Arturo Argueta

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Prado Quetzal Argueta

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

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Nikolai I. Vavilov came to Mexico in 1930 and in 1932. In 1925 his working team visited the country in advance, where they contacted Alfonso L. Herrera and began work with Maximino Martinez, who was appointed by the Biological Studies Direction to accompany the Soviet Scientific Commission. Vavilov’s research program on the origin of cultivated plants of the world continued de Candolle’s project that was revised by Darwin and promoted in the 1960s and 70s by Jack R. Harlan and other researchers. Vavilov couldn’t conclude his program due to obstacles presented by Lysenko. However, Vavilovian ideas are once again influential in Mexico. Currently, Vavilonian concepts are important in the discussions about the importance of a national food policy and the Biocultural heritage expressed in native corn and other vegetable resources in South/Central Mexico and Central America. This region, also known as the Mesoamerican Centre of Origin, has become endangered by the diverse environmental and food threats brought on by the introduction of genetically modified corn.

Артуро Аргуета Вилламар

Национальный независимый университет Мексики, Мексика

Кетцаль Аргуета Прадо

Микоаканский университет им. Св. Николая, Мексика

DOI: —

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