Пeтр Симон Паллас и зоологический институт академии наук

Смирнов Алексей Владимирович

Зоологический институт РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

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Опубликованы документы, связанные с празднованием в 1942 году 200-летия Петра Симона Палласа и 175-летия Зоологического Института. В 1941 году комиссия, в состав которой вошли некоторые видные ученые Зоологического Института, пришла к выводу, что 9 августа 1767 года следует считать днем основания Зоологического музея.

Peter Simon Pallas and Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences
Smirnov Alexey V.

Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

DOI: —

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Documents related to celebration in 1942 of the 200th anniversary of Peter Simon Pallas and the 175th anniversary of the Zoological Institute are published. In 1941 the Commission that included some most prominent scientists of the Zoological Institute concluded that August 9, 1767 should be considered the day when the Zoological Museum had been founded. On that day the natural history collections of the Academy museum (Kunstkamera) were divided in three parts, zoology, anatomy and botany placed in charge of Peter Simon Pallas, Caspar Friedrich Wolf, and Samuel Gottlieb Gmelin, respectively. An anal-ysis of archive documents (some of them are published for the first time) and literary sources confi rmed the date established by the Commission. The role of Pallas as the founder of Russian zoology is demon-strated and some archive documents related to his biography are published.

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