Воспоминания о Валентине Абрамовиче Красилове (01.12.1937-10.02.2015)

Блохина Надежда Ивановна

Биолого-почвенный институт ДВО РАН

DOI: —

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10 февраля 2015 г. на 78-м году скоропостижно ушёл из жизни палеоботаник, биолог-эволюционист, стратиграф и геолог, философ, учёный с мировым именем, доктор геолого-минералогических наук профессор Валентин Абрамович Красилов. Огромная утрата для науки и всех, кто знал Валентина Абрамовича.

Memoirs about Valentin Abramovich Krassilov (01.12.1937-10.02.2015)
Blokhina Nadezhda I.

Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS

DOI: —

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The paper focuses on the biography and scientific work of Professor Valentin A. Krassilov during the years he spent in the Far East. He was a well know specialist in paleobotany, evolutionary biology, stratigraphy, geology and philosophy of life sciences. Valentin Krassilov came to Vladivostok in 1960 after graduating from Kharkov State University and worked in the Far East for 30 years. The first years he worked in the Far East Geological Institute. In 1972 Krassilov creates the Laboratory of Palaeobotany in the Institute of Biology and Soil Science and was a head of this laboratory until the end of 1990. Starting 1977 also he was a head of the Department of Evolutionary Biology which integrated several laboratories including of Palaeobotany. Krassilov was the author of about 400 publications including 22 books. His works were focused at Mesozoic and Cenozoic flora and stratigraphy of the Far East, florogenesis, evolution of plants and plant communities, ecosystem reconstructions, biodiversity, and general problems of the theory of evolution, etc. Krassilov developed two research areas — palaeoecology of terrestrial plants as well as environmental stratigraphy, a new hypothesis on the origin, ways of early evolution and centers of dispersion of flowering plants. He was a supervisor of 10 PhD theses, a leader of the Soviet National Working group of the Project 245 “Correlation of non-marine Cretaceous” of the IGCP, UNESCO (1986-1991), a chairman of the Vladivostok branch of the All-Union Paleontological Society (1981-1990).

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