«Вавиловские чтения — 2015» в Саратове

Раменская Муза Евгеньевна

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Москва, Россия

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2016-11858

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Vavilov’s Readings in 2015 in Saratov
Muza E. Ramenskaya

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2016-11858

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In Saratov, the memory of N.I. Vavilov has long been worshiped, who started there his scientific career. Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov holds annual scientific readings in memory of the scientist. On “Vavilov Readings-2015”, in addition to seven sections, a collection of diaries, articles and letters of N.I. Vavilov was presented. At the historical section were reports of authentic artifacts related to the activity of N.I. Vavilov and stored in the Saratov regional museum and of the recently arrived there his unknown manuscripts and certain aspects of N.I. Vavilov’s activity. Of no less interest were the reports of Saratov’s breeders — the contemporaries of N.I. Vavilov. At the same time in the Regional Youth Library Small Vavilov Reading were conducted, where students developed certain ties with the life studies and work of their great countryman.

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