Владимир Тимофеевич Шевяков (1859–1930): изучение простейших Неаполитанского залива. История длиною в жизнь. Часть II. В cоветской России

Фокин Сергей Иванович

Университет Пизы, Пиза, Италия; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет,
Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Завойская Наталия Евгеньевна

Независимый исследователь, Москва, Россия

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2016-11861

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В настоящей, второй части статьи описана история опубликования В.Т. Шевяковым монографии, посвящённой простейшим класса Acantharia (1926), которая до сих пор не утратила своей научной ценности. С 1927 г. Шевяков приступил к изучению инфузорий (Ciliophora) Неаполитанского залива, но эта работа осталась незавершённой из-за принудительного сокращения международной активности советских учёных после 1928 г. и преждевременной смерти профессора осенью 1930 г. История изучения В.Т. Шевяковым средиземноморских простейших изложена с привлечением большого объёма архивных документов, прежде всего — переписки учёного с руководителем Неаполитанской зоологической станции Рейнхардом Дорном, которая никогда не публиковалась. Работа снабжена редкими фотографиями учёного разных лет и его рисунками акантарий и инфузорий, сделанных в Неаполе.

Wladimir Timopheevich Schewiakoff (1859-1930): An Investigation of Protists of the Gulf of Naples. The Life Long Story. Part II. In Soviet Russia
Sergei I. Fokin

University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Natalia Ye. Zavoiskaia

Independent Scholar, Moscow, Russia

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2016-11861

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The second part of this article describes the history of Schewiakoff’s monograph «Acantharia of Golf of Naples”. And, for the first time describes precisely how the scientist spent 1918-1919 and his years at the University of Irkutsk, where he created a new chair in medical zoology and parasitology, and ultimately a new institution, the Medical Institute of Irkutsk. For various reasons Schewiakoff was able to publish the results of his acantharia work only in 1926. A reading of his correspondence with R. Dohrn and V.A. Dogiel provides a detailed description of this process (August 1925-September 1926). His monograph on these protists does not tell the complete story. The result of almost 27 years of the scientist’s life, in some ways (especially the protists’ biology) the results of Schewiakoff’s investigation of acantharians have not been much improved even today. After 1927 Schewiakoff, according to his new agreement with the Naples Zoological Station, began studying the ciliated protists (Ciliophora) of the Gulf of Naples. He spent more than 5 additional months at the Naples Zoological Station for this reason (1927, 1928) This work, however, remained incomplete because of a compulsory reduction of international activity by Soviet scientists after 1928. Schewiakoff’s correspondence shows how difficult a university teacher’s life could be at the end of 1920s in Soviet Russia. Schewiakoff’s premature death due to pneumonia in the Fall of 1930 left many of his hopes unrealized. The story of Schewiakoff’s research on the Mediterranean protozoa is explored through a large volume of archival documents, especially the previously unpublished correspondence between him and his wife with the Naples Zoological Station director, Reinhard Dohrn. Included are rare photos of the researcher at different times and the drawings of acantharians and ciliates he made in Naples.

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