Выставка «Зоологический музей в Санкт-Петербурге и история систематики: 300 лет перемен»

Слепкова Надежда Валентиновна

Зоологический институт РАН

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11932

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В Зоологическом музее Зоологического института РАН с 26 сентября 2016 г. по 13 февраля 2017 г. прошла выставка «Зоологический музей в Санкт-Петербурге и история систематики: 300 лет перемен». Выставка была приурочена к нескольким юбилеям, которые отмечались в 2016 году. Это 300-летие приобретения Петром I первой крупной зоологической коллекции у голландского аптекаря Альберта Себы, 275-летие со дня рождения академика П.С. Палласа (1741—1811), давшего первое фау-нистическое описание нашей страны, и 110-летие со дня рождения крупного морфолога Зоологического института АН СССР академика A.B. Иванова (1906—1992).

Exhibition “The Zoological Museum in St. Petersburg and the History of Systematics: 300 Years of Changes”
Slepkova Nadezhda V.

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11932

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The article describes the temporal exhibition in the Zoological museum in St. Petersburg dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the day, when Peter the Great bought the first big zoological collection from the prominent Holland pharmacist Albert Seba. It also celebrates the 275th anniversary of Peter Pallas and the 110th anniversary of the prominent academician and morphologist Artemiy V. Ivanov. The aim of the exhibition was to demonstrate how the development of the systematics affects exhibiting of the zoological collection of the Academy of Sciences in all periods of its existence from the Kunstkammer to the present day. This exhibition is unique, because such exposure cannot be deployed on the basis of ANY other museum of biological profile of Russia. The exhibition had 4 sections. Each of them was dedicated to one century in the history of the Museum exhibition. Introductory texts were accompanied by the fragments of plans of St. Petersburg, on which the buildings, where zoological collection of the Academy of Sciences were exhibited at that time, have been marked. In the XVIII century the collection was exhibited first after Aristotle, then after Linne systems. From the moment when the museum separated from Kunstcammer in 1832 to the independent Zoological museum, and up to the end of the exhibition was arranged according to the Cuvier’s system. It had the department of comparative anatomy, named Zootomical museum. When in 1896 collections moved to the building closer to the Palace Bridge, where they are located till now, they became evolutionary in sequence, but still essentially the same as Cuvier’s. Next permutation was inspired by the authorities during the reform of the Academy of Sciences of 1929-1934. New location separated Protostomia from Deuterostomia, taking into account the achievements of comparative embryology. These two last revolutionary transformations in science were embodied in the Museum exposition with a significant time lag. The exposition of the XXI century had a discussion character and was dedicated to two last revolutionary changes in systematics associated with cladistics and molecular phylogenetics and its influence on the system of living organisms.

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