Из истории военно-морской медицины в России (вторая половина XIX века)

Соболев Владимир Семенович

Санкт-Петербургский филиал Института истории естествознания и техники им. С.И. Вавилова РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11931

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Успехи в развитии военно-морской медицины стали одним из важных результатов коренного реформирования флота, проведённого в России в 1860-е гг. В ходе реформирования флотской медицины удалось в существенной мере улучшить проведение профилактических мероприятий и организацию лечебного процесса. Главный массив исторических источников по этой теме сосредоточен в Российском государственном архиве Военно-Морского Флота, в фонде «Управление флота генерал-штаб-доктора» (фонд 34). В документах содержится весьма интересная и ценная информация о многих направлениях развития флотской медицины во второй половине XIX в. В настоящей статье приводятся результаты проведённого выявления и изучения архивных документов по ряду вопросов истории лечения инфекционных заболеваний на флоте: «О разработке и внедрении специальных инструкций»; «О принятии карантинных мер»; «Об организации профилактики и лечения заболеваний». Эти материалы, в известной степени, обогащают источниковую базу истории отечественной медицины.

From the History of Naval Medicine in Russia (the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century)
Vladimir S. Sobolev

Saint-Petersburg Branch, S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11931

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By the end of the XIX century, infectious diseases continued to remain a serious problem of the public health services organization in the Russian Army. So, among total 271210 diseased persons, which number was registered in the Armed forces in 1899, 65 590 cases were infectious diseases (24.1 %). At that time the Navy fleet owing to the objective reasons was the most advanced branch of the armed forces in Russia. Accordingly, the public health services organization on fleet was standing at a higher position as compared to general state of things Army-wide. By the end of the XIX century approximately 3.8 doctors accounted for 1000 persons of fleet’s staff, whereas in the European part of the Russian Empire this number was, approximately, 0.1 doctors. The radical reforming of the fleet which was initiated in 1860s enabled to achieve significant improvement of condition of the naval medicine. This success became possible in many respects owing to vigorous activity of Charles Ottovich Rozenberger — the chief of medical service of the fleet. Charles Rozenberger is the graduate of Derpt University, close friend of well-known surgeon N.I. Pirogov, one of the active members of Pirogov’s “Ferane” in Petersburg. As a result of the reforms implemented on the fleet the number of infectious diseases reduced. So, in 1854-1856s 62 typhus patients accounted for each 1 000 persons, among which 19 persons died. After two decades, in 1876-1878 only ten cases of typhus as a result of which two persons died were registered on the fleet. Our report is prepared on a basis of a study of documents of the Russian State Archive of the Navy fleet. Many materials of great interest are stored in the archival fund No 34 “Fleet administration of doctor’s general staff’, where 2 328 cases for a period from 1827 till 1886 are stored. We have studied the documents of this fund telling about fighting with infectious diseases on the fleet by: — statistical data on this issue; — elaboration and introduction of instructions and manuals for medical personnel; — taking quarantine measures; — organization of preventive measures and treatment of diseases (typhus, cholera, smallpox, malaria, etc.) The results of our research have enabled us to make a conclusion that the naval medicine at that time was the important component of public health services’ system in Russia.

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