Симпозиум «От лысенкоизма до эволюционной биологии»

Конашев Михаил Борисович

Санкт-Петербургский филиал Института истории естествознания и техники РАН

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11922

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The Review of Symposium “From Lysenkoism to Evolutionary Biology”
Mikhail B. Konashev

St. Petersburg branch of Institute of History of Science and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.24411/2076-8176-2017-11922

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The overview of the symposium 116 “From Lysenkoism to evolutionary biology”, which took place within the VII International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (22-24 September 2016, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic). Various aspects of the long and complex process of contacts, struggle, transitions and conceptual overlays of Lysenkoism, neo-Darwinian evolutionary biology, and unorthodox versions of the evolutionary theory, such as the theory of epigenetic inheritance, were considered. These contacts and transitions occurred in almost all countries of the Eastern bloc, including the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. The aim of the symposium was to examine different versions of Lysenkoism and evolutionary biology in these countries and to compare the biographies of the main participants in these processes, and the consequences of their actions.

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