Профессор медицинского факультета Института Карла Зудхоффа истории медицины и естественных наук. Лейпциг, Германия.
Доктор медицины, доктор философии
Doctor of medical Sciences, Doctor of philosophy
Professor of the medical faculty of the Charles Sudhoff Institute of history of medicine and natural Sciences. Leipzig, Germany.
E-mail: Ortrun.Riha@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
Статьи (list of articles):
Science as a Medium of Communication between Germany and Russia in the 19th Century
2011. Том 3. №1. С. 112—114
Of Bones and Beasts: Christian Heinrich von Pander (1794–1865) on Transformation of Species
2012. Том 4. №2. С. 23-38
Exchange of Scientific Ideas: Recent Research on Russian-French Relations
2013. Том 5. №3. С. 156-157