Выставка «Братья по разуму?»

Александрова Анна Александровна

Государственный Дарвиновский музей, Москва

DOI: —

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Exhibition “Brothers in Mind?”
Anna A. Alexandrova

State Darwin Museum, Moscow

DOI: —

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The exhibition “Brothers in Mind?” opens at the State Darwin Museum in April, 2013. It is devoted to the experimental study of animal intelligence and is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of K.E. Fabri, one of the founders of animal psychology in Russia. The exhibition shows how multiple species including parrots and apes, crows and ants, dolphins and bees are able to count, grasp abstract concepts, solve logical tasks, and even master language elements. The chasm that separates Homo sapiens from all other animals is not so deep.

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