Ботаника в Санкт-Петербургском (Ленинградском) университете

Анатолий Александрович Паутов, Валентина Александровна Бубырева

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

DOI: —

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Рецензия на спец. выпуск журнала «Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета». Сер. 3. Биология. 2013. Вып. 3.

Botany in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) University. Review of the Special Issue of “Herald of St. Petersburg State University. Biological Series” (St. Petersburg, 2013)
Pautov Anatoliy A., Bubyreva Valentina A.

St. Petersburg State University

DOI: —

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The Special Issue of “Herald of St. Petersburg State University. Biological Series” (2013, № 3) is devoted to the 190 th anniversary of the Botany Department of St.Petersburg University. The first article «Chronicle of the Department» reflects the major milestones in the history of the Department of Botany from its foundation as the Botanical cabinet in 1823 to the present day. Information is provided about all the heads of the Department and its laboratories, as well as the researchers and scholars, who significantly impacted the fate of the department. Readers will find a splendid list of world-famous botanists. The main content of the issue describes the basic directions of scientific and educational work recently pursued in the department, including many scientific problems of modern botany. The contribution of individual scientists in the development of these areas of botanical science is discussed. The issue is completed by memoirs about the employees of the department and events that occurred over a long period of time. The text is accompanied by a large number of rare historical photos.

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