Author Guidelines

Information for Contributors and House Style Guide

  1. The journal Istoriko-Biologicheskie Issledovaniya / Studies in the History of Biology (SHB) is an academic periodical specializing in the fields of history, philosophy and sociology of the life sciences. It is not intended for publishing popular and non-academic papers, nor does it publish previously published texts.
  2. No submission fees are charged.
  3. Contributors receive no royalties for publication.
  4. Submitted articles should not exceed 60,000 characters including spaces, footnotes and references. Exception is granted to papers commissioned by the editorial board. Contributions to ‘Reviews’ and ‘Chronicle’ sections should not exceed 12,000 characters.
  5. Contributions should be in either Russian or English, provide titles in both languages, include abstracts (1500–2000 characters) and a list of key words (4–7) in both languages.
  6. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form as an attachment sent to the e-mail of the editorial board (
  7. All texts should be submitted as MS.doc,.docx, or.rtf files, use Times New Roman 12 pt font, with footnotes and references in Times New Roman 10 pt font, all quotations should be in Arial font. All quotations from other sources should be given in quotation marks with an appropriate reference. A reference to a published source should include the page where the cited text first appears; a reference to an archival manuscript should contain all relevant information (the archive’s name, collection, inventory, file and the sheet number on which the original text appears). In quotations, all omissions should be marked with omission points in angular brackets, all comments and explications should be given in square brackets. All photos and pictures should be submitted as separate files (450–600 dpi).
  8. Contributions can contain abbreviations and acronyms, however full institutional names, titles etc. should be used when they first appear in the text with an appropriate abbreviation/acronym given in brackets. Latin names of living organisms should go according to the corresponding nomenclature code.
  9. Bibliographic items should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper, and not be numbered. Journal titles should be given in their full form, with volume, number (issue) and pages indicated. References to books should contain the place of a publication, the publishing house, the year of publication. For edited volumes, please, indicate the editors.
  10. References are given in-text, in brackets. They should contain the author’s surname, the year of publication and a page, if necessary. If an author published several works in the same year references to them should be marked with letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ etc., both in-text and in bibliography. E.g.: (Pallas, 1773a), (Pallas, 1773d, p. 244), (Gajsinovich, 1967d; 1988), (Kolreuter, 1761; cit. in Kyolrejter, 1940, p. 84). However references to archival sources should be given infootnotes. When the name of an archive appears for the first time it should be given in full; in further references it can be given as an acronym.
  11. Footnotes can be used for short explanations. If necessary a contribution can contain supplements located at the end of an article.
  12. When submitting a paper, contributors are kindly requested to provide information about themselves: their last, first, and middle names; academic degree(s), institutional affiliation, postal address, contact phone number(s), e-mail address.
  13. All contributions that fail to meet these requirements will not be considered by the editorial board.
  14. All contributions are reviewed. Authors are notified about the acceptance or rejection of their papers within three months since the day their paper has been received by the editorial board. The authors can familiarize themselves with the content of reviews; however the editorial board does not comment on or discuss its decisions.
  15. Authors are personally responsible for ensuring that all information, quotations, dates and names given in their papers are correct. All pictures (illustrations) should be supplemented with references to their provenance and copyright holder.


Monographs and edited volumes:

  • Gall Ya.M. (1976) Bor’ba za sushchestvovanie kak faktor evoliutsii [The struggle for existence as a factor of evolution], Leningrad: Nauka.
  • Thackray C., Press B. (2009) The Natural History Museum: Nature’s Treasurehouse, London: Natural History Museum.
  • Phillips D., Kingsland S. (eds.) (2015) New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture, Heidelberg; New York; Dordrecht; London: Springer (Archimedes Series).

Papers in edited volumes:

  • Fedotova A.A., Loskutova M.V. (2015) “Forests, Climate, and the Rise of Scientific Forestry in Russia: From Local Knowledge and Natural History to Modern Experiments (1840s–early 1890s),” in: Phillips D. and Kingsland S. (eds.) New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture, Heidelberg; New York; Dordrecht; London: Springer (Archimedes Series), pp. 113–137.
  • Golubovsky M.D., Ermolaev A.I., Kolchinsky E.I. (2012) “Timofeev-Resovskii i landshaft evoliutsionnoi biologii” [Timofeev-Resovskij and landscape of evolutionary biology], in: Kolchinsky E.I. (ed.) Sozdateli sovremennogo evoliutsionnogo sinteza [The Architects of Modern Evolutionary Synthesis], St. Petersburg: Nestor-Historia, pp. 321–345.
  • Raikov B.E. (ed.) (1961) “Perepiska Aleksandra Onufrievicha Kovalevskogo s Anatoliem Petrovichem Bogdanovym” [Correspondens of Alexander Onufrievitch Kowalevsky to Anatol Petrovitch Bogdanov], Trudy Instituta istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 112–167.

Journal publications:

  • Fokin S.I. (2004) “Professor Otto Bütschli und Seine Russischen Schüler,” Microkosmos, Bd. 93, S. 91–99.
  • Krementsov N.L. (2015) “Mezhdunarodnaia evgenika i rossiiskoe meditsinskoe soobshchestvo, 1900–1917” [International Eugenics and the Russian Medical Community, 1900–1917], Istoriko-biologicheskie issledovaniia, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 7–40.
  • Sierra R., Matz M.V., Aglyamova G., Pillet L., Decelle J., Not F., de Vargas C., Pawlowski J. (2012) “Deep relationships of Rhizaria revealed by phylogenomics: a farewell to Haeckel’s Radiolaria,” Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 67, pp. 53–69.
  • Shtrauh A.A. (1889) “Zoologicheskii muzei Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk” [Zoological Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences], Zapiski Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, vol.61, suppl. 3, pp. 1–372

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